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About Us

Stronger Together

Burgess Hill Together (BHT) is a collaborative platform that brings together several sister organizations dedicated to fostering a vibrant and thriving community in Burgess Hill. Through collective action and shared values, BHT aims to create a cohesive network that promotes unity, collaboration, and a strong sense of belonging among residents.

BHT works closely with the Burgess Hill Parent-Teacher Committee (BHPTAC), the Burgess Hill Business Association (BHBA), the Burgess Hill Sport Council (BHSC), and the Burgess Hill Residents Association (BHRA) to achieve its mission.

BHBA and BHSC play a vital role in supporting the community. They recognize the direct impact of sports game days on footfall in towns and surrounding establishments. Additionally, businesses offer sponsorships to sports teams, strengthening the bonds between the business community and the sports sector. BHBA and BHSC strive for mutual success, understanding that by working together, they can create a thriving and prosperous community.

BHRA, with its mission to cultivate a vibrant and inclusive community, is an essential component of Burgess Hill Together. Representing the voice of residents, BHRA actively advocates for their needs and concerns. Their primary goals include fostering community engagement, collaboration, and advocacy. By working closely with local authorities, policymakers, and stakeholders, BHRA ensures that residents' perspectives are considered in decision-making processes that shape the future of Burgess Hill.

Burgess Hill Residents Association also focuses on providing residents with valuable information and resources. Their website serves as a centralized hub, offering access to local services, news, and important resources. By promoting social and environmental responsibility, BHRA encourages eco-friendly practices, conservation efforts, and a supportive community environment.

By uniting under the umbrella of Burgess Hill Together, these organizations collaborate to make Burgess Hill a place where everyone feels valued, connected, and proud to call home. Together, they advocate for the well-being and development of the Burgess Hill community, actively working towards a vibrant and inclusive future.

Join us in our mission to shape the Burgess Hill community for the better. Together, we can create a place where residents thrive, businesses flourish, and children receive a quality education in an environment that supports their growth.

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Mission Statement

Our Goals:
  • Unity and Collaboration: We strive to bring together residents, businesses, community organizations, and stakeholders, fostering strong connections and collaboration. By uniting our efforts, we can achieve shared goals and collectively address the needs and aspirations of our community.

  • Inclusivity and Diversity: We embrace and celebrate the diversity of Burgess Hill, creating an inclusive environment where every voice is heard, valued, and represented. We actively work towards breaking down barriers, promoting equity, and ensuring that everyone has equal opportunities to participate and contribute.

  • Community Engagement and Empowerment: We empower residents to actively engage in the development and improvement of our community. Through initiatives, events, and projects, we provide opportunities for residents to connect, share experiences, and contribute their unique skills and perspectives to make a positive impact.

  • Sustainable Development: We are committed to promoting responsible and sustainable development in Burgess Hill. By advocating for environmentally conscious practices, encouraging conservation efforts, and supporting initiatives that enhance the quality of life for residents, we aim to create a sustainable and resilient community for future generations.

  • Advocacy and Representation: We advocate for the interests and needs of Burgess Hill residents, actively representing their voices to local authorities, policymakers, and stakeholders. By ensuring that residents' perspectives are heard and considered in decision-making processes, we strive to shape a community that reflects the aspirations and priorities of its residents.

  • Information and Resources: We provide residents with access to valuable information, resources, and services. Through our website, communication channels, and partnerships, we aim to keep residents informed, connected, and empowered to make informed decisions that impact their lives and the community.

Burgess Hill Together Logo with the war memorial
  • Collaboration with Sister Organizations: We collaborate closely with sister organizations, including the Burgess Hill Parent-Teacher Committee (BHPTAC), the Burgess Hill Business Association (BHBA), the Burgess Hill Sport Council (BHSC), and the Burgess Hill Residents Association (BHRA). By leveraging our collective strengths and resources, we maximize our impact and create a cohesive approach to community development.

Here residents thrive, businesses flourish, and children receive a quality education in an environment that supports their growth.

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